Bitcoin Network Transacted $2.5 Trillion Worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2019

Bitcoin Network Transacted $2.5 Trillion Worth of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2019

A total of $2.5 trillion worth of BTC were transacted on the Bitcoin network last year. The average transaction value on the Bitcoin blockchain is 2.75 BTC, worth about $23,000, and that the median transaction value if of 0.029 BTC, or $250.

The estimated transaction value in USD terms shown per day seems to mostly revolve around the $5 billion mark, with some days hitting $10 billion. In July, the total USD value transacted on the BTC network per day high a high close to $20 billion.

The rate at which Bitcoin transaction is going, Fiat currencies might soon be a thing of the past. Digital currencies are making more waves than was anticipated even to the extent that Central banks are currently looking into digital currencies and are trying to develop their own digital currencies for their respective countries.

Also the Blockchain technology which is the bedrock of the crypto world is also booming with big countries like China and United States keying into the technology.

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