NFT Trend with Unique Smart Contract Distribution Model Developed by Lil Moon Rockets

An unprecedented convergence of digital assets and arts and other collectibles in NFT are the current trend to take over cryptocurrency world.

However, with Grimes earning $6 million on digital assets and Wu-tang Clan ready to release a legacy set with 36 ultra-rare tokens, it can be submitted that the popularity of NFTS has spilled into the mainstream.

In the space an innovator is releasing 13337 art pieces through a smart contract distinctive, reveal sale that motivates the fair availability at the debut and it is likely to change the face of the industry that is emerging.

Though relatively new, NFT is really making waves and has been used in myriads of several projects, though with an unfair distribution, where the founders and other team member’s o buy plethora of the best NFT, before making the offer public.

In order to ensure that no signal actor gained too much power over the underlying assets, cryptocurrencies are designed to be decentralized. However, Lil moon in order to adhere to the spirit of cryptocurrency industry has eveolved a distinctive distribution model for its 1337 rare vector  pop art pieces releasing later this month.

It has been reported that smart contract has scheduled a reveal of the ultra-scarce digital art for exactly 21 days after the first distribution.

Also a blind distribution is scheduled to start after 21 days, where the protocol will begin assigning artworks to total of 13337 token holders. It is imperative to add that there is front running of the supply is not possible.



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